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Monday, March 28, 2016

Exercise G Past Perfect Simple

Exercise G
1. Using the Past Perfect tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      I _________ the parcel. (to open)
      I had opened the parcel.
      They ________ to the opera. (to be)
      They had been to the opera.
1. She ________________ a sweater. (to buy)
2. He _______________ to work. (to start)
3. You _________________ the message. (to understand)
4. We ________________ the appointment. (to forget)
5. They ________________ us. (to convince)
6. She ________________ the book. (to find)
7. He ________________ the envelope. (to tear)
8. You ________________ your breakfast. (to finish)
9. We ______________ to school. (to go)
10. They ________________ the beds. (to make)
2. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions, negative statements, negative questions without contractions, negative questions with contractions, and affirmative statements followed by negative tag questions. For example:
      He had attended the concert.
      Had he attended the concert?
      He had not attended the concert.
      Had he not attended the concert?
      Hadn't he attended the concert?
      He had attended the concert, hadn't he?
1. You had entered the contest.
2. I had wanted to come.
3. We had arrived on time.
3. Using the Past Perfect tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      He _____________ hard. (to practise)
      He had practised hard.
      ___ they ____ a good job? (to do)
      Had they done a good job?
      I ___ not _____ the news. (to hear)
      I had not heard the news.
1. You ________________ it carefully.(to consider)
2. She __________________ her way in the woods. (to lose)
3. _____ he not _____________ his hands? (to wash)
4. _____ they ____________ the letter? (to read)
5. I _____ not _____________ the words. (to forget)
6. We ____________ to come even before we received the letter. (to decide)
7. _____ he not _____________ everything well? (to organize)
8. They _____ not __________ a holiday in a long time. (to have)
9. She __________________ to talk to us. (to stop)
10. He _____ not yet ____________. (to arrive)
11. _____ you ___________ to meet him? (to plan)
12. I _____ not ____________ her for a long time. (to see)
4. Make the past perfect: Positive and Negative
1. When I arrived at the cinema, the film ____________________ (start).
2. She ____________________ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.
3. After they ____________________ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4. If you ____________________ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
5. Julie didn’t arrive until after I ____________________ (leave).
6. When we ____________________ (finish) dinner, we went out.
7. The garden was dead because it ____________________ (be) dry all summer.
8. He ____________________ (meet) her before somewhere.
9. We were late for the plane because we ____________________ (forgot)our
10. She told me that she ____________________ (study) a lot before the exam.
11. The grass was yellow because it ___________________ (not / rain) all
12. The lights went off because we ___________________ (not / pay) the
electricity bill.
13. The children ___________________ (not / do) their homework, so they were
in trouble.
14. They ___________________ (not / eat) so we went to a restaurant.
15. We couldn’t go into the concert because we ___________________ (not /
bring) our tickets.
16. She said that she ___________________ (not / visit) the UK before.
17. Julie and Anne ___________________ (not / meet) before the party.
18. I ___________________ (not / have) breakfast when he arrived.
19. He ___________________ (not / use) email before, so I showed him how to
use it.
20. You ___________________ (not / study) for the test, so you were very

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