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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Verbal Phrase

Verbal Phrase
1. What is A Verbal?
         A verbal is a word that is derived from a verb, has the power of a verb, but acts as another part of speech.  Like a verb, a verbal may take an object, a modifier (adjective/adverb), and sometimes a subject; however, unlike a verb, a verbal functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.  Also, a verbal cannot serve as a verb.
==> There are three kinds of verbal:
*  Gerunds (-ing forms that function as nouns)
*  Participles (present or past participle verb forms that function as adjectives)
*  Infinitives (the root form of a verb preceded by to; it can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb)
2. What is a verbal phrase?
·         A verbal phrase is a phrase that contains a verb form, its modifiers and complements which together act as something other than a verb.
==> Like verbal, there are three Types of Verbal Phrases

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