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Sunday, March 27, 2016

spelling rules with -ed endings

Note the following spelling rules with -ed endings:

a.   Verbs end in a consonant + -y, change –y to –ied.

Study               ==>         studied
Cry                  ==>        cried
Carry                 ==>       carried
b. Verbs ending in a vowel + -y or –w, just add –ed to those verbs.
Play                  ==>        played
Show                ==>        showed
Stay                  ==>        stayed

c. One syllable verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant double the last consonant and then add –ed.

Bag                  ==>        bagged
Rob                ==>        robbed
Stop                 ==>        stopped
Plan                  ==>       planned

d. Two syllable verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant and the stress is on the last syllable, double the last consonant then add –ed

Permit              ==>        permitted
Travel               ==>        travelled/ traveled
e. Add –d or –ed to the verbs
Walk                 ==>        walked
Smoke              ==>        smoked
Work                ==>        worked
f. Irregular verbs
Run      ==>        run
Speak   ==>        spoke
Come    ==>        came
Hit        ==>       hit

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