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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional Phrase

5a. Introduction to Preposition and Prepositional Phrase
*  What is a Preposition?
            ==> Preposition is a word used to show relevance between word and word, phrase and phrase in a sentence.
-          He is angry with me.
-          She is a great lover of books.
-          Where are you from?
-          She is studying at University.

*  What is a prepositional Phrase?
==> A Preposition Phrase is phrase that consists of a preposition followed usually by a noun, a pronoun, a noun phrase or an adverb.
-          She is on the computer. (She is using the computer.)
-          TJ could hear her across the room.
-          David walked down the ramp.
-          We saw her in town the other day.
5b. The structure of Prepositional Phrase
            ==> Prepositional phrases have a preposition as the head of the phrase.
==> The table below illustrates some of the possible structures found in the English prepositional phrase.
The Prepositional Phrase in English





next to
the table

the thick of things

the time that you read this

slipping off to sleep

running more than 500 miles in one week

whomever it may concern


what I can see
Noun Phrase
-ing Clause
Relative Clause
==> In the diagram below will show you more about the structure of Prepositional phrase

5c. The functions of Prepositional Phrase
1. Adverbial: Prepositional phrases may function as adverbials (adjuncts, disjunct and conjuncts), [or adverb phrase].
a. Adjuncts: saying where, when, how, with what, for whom, etc.
-          The cat was on the table.
-          In Scotland it sometimes snows in summer.
-          I paint with great enthusiasm but with little skill.
-          I even baked a cake for her.

b. Disjunct: making a comment on the rest of the sentence.
-    To my surprise, there was no-one there.
-    To Mrs. Brown’s relief, there storm hadn’t damaged her fruit bushes.
-    In all fairness, I don’t think we can blame her for what happened.
-    In the corner, on a blanket, I lay a huge black cat.
c. Conjuncts: linking sentences.
-    You’re not going diving. For a start, you can’t swim.
-    In the first place, you don’t know how to swim.
-    For another thing, you can’t afford it.
2. Modifier or Adjective phrase
a. A Prepositional phrase may modify (i.e. describe or identify) a preceding noun in much the same way as an adjective does.
-    Who is that man with red hair? (= that red-haired man)
-    He is a man of honor. (an  honorable man)
-    They greeted us with screams of delight. (delighted screams)
-    The train at platform 6 is the 10:35 to London Euston.
b. A prepositional phrase may equally modify a following noun.
-    He made a few off-the-cuff remarks and sat down again.
-    These offences are subject on-the-spot fines.
-    I don’t like his in-your-face style of speaking. (‘in-your-face’ means ‘rather  aggressive)
-    She was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress.
c. A prepositional phrase may also modify an adjective or the word not (i.e. it may emphasize it or weaken its force).
-    Your behavior was foolish in the extreme. (=extremely foolish)
-    We weren’t worried in the slightest.
-    I am not in the least surprised.
-    The little girl was glowing with pride.
*  Notice that when a prepositional phrase precedes the noun it modifies, it is written with hyphens:
an on-the-spot fine
off-the-peg clothes
an in-depth survey
*  Prepositional phrases that follow the noun they modify are not hyphenated:
That box on the table is mine.
There’s a man with a wooden leg at the door.
3. Complement
a. A prepositional phrase may function as a subject-complement or object-complement.
(see noun phrase as object of preposition)
-    Your work is of great value. (Subject- complement)
-    The lines have to be of equal length. (subject-complement)
-    The house was in a terrible mess. (subject-complement)
-    We considered the information of little importance. (object-complement)
-    Make both line of equal length. (object-complement)
b. A prepositional phrase may also function as the complement of an adjective, a verb, a noun or an adverb. The complement of an adjective, verb, noun or adverb is a group of words that follows it and provides further information relating to it.
                        1. Complement of Adjective
-                My parents are very keen on opera.
-                She is very fond of her grandchildren.
-                There’s no need to be afraid of dogs.
-                My daughter is very good with horses.
-                The dog was very possessive about its puppies.
2. Complement of Verb
-                Can we depend on him?
-                I’ve decided on the black dress.
-                Tom insisted on a vote.
-                At this very moment there are people who are dying of hunger.
-                I think I got an unfair share of the blame.
3. Complement of Adjective
-                There’s no point in our being here.
-                What is the purpose of this visit?
-                Could we have a jug of water, please?
-                She shows a remarkable aptitude for mathematics.
4. Complement of Adverb
-                She quickly moved away from the wall.
-                She runs quickly with this man.
==>  Notice: It is important to distinguish between prepositional phrases that are adverbials and those that are complements.
-          Mary was sick on the bus. (adverbial – says where she was sick)
-          May was sick of waiting. (complement – says what she was sick of)
-          She decided on the black dress. (complement – says what she chose)
-          She decided on the way home. (adverbial – says when she decided)
*  It is also important to distinguish between a phrase that modifies a noun and one that is the complement of a noun. A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun describes or identifies it, whereas the complement of a noun say something more about what the noun  relates to.
-          The bag on the table is mine. (modification – identifies which bag_
-          She was holding a bag of potatoes. (complement – say what was in the bag)
-          The answer in the book is wrong. (modification – identifies which answer)
-          The answer to your problem lies in yourself. (complement – says more about what the answer relates to)

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